Autism parents need to STOP!
Stop tearing each other down!
Stop judging each other!
Stop undermining each other!
Stop the petty division!
Autistic vs. "Having a diagnosis of Autism"
Autism vs. Asperger's
To Medicate or not Medicate
Floor Time vs. ABA
Mainstream vs. Strategies
Strategies vs. Regular Special Ed
Something wrong vs. perfect in God's eyes
high functioning vs. mid or low functioning
Seriously!!!! What's hard for you is hard for you; what's hard for me is hard for me and just because those challenges or ideals or feelings with regards to our children may be different does not make them wrong or any harder or easier than the person you're having a conversation with.
I don't give a rat's ass what other people do with their child or how they think their child should be defined, it's none of my business and it certainly doesn't effect how I view my child or the decisions that we make as far as taking care of him.
I wouldn't do half the things that other parents do with their children on the spectrum, that doesn't mean they're wrong, it just means our children need different things as each one of these amazing beings are completely unique to this world. I would never fault another parent for doing what they hope is the best thing for their child so please don't fault us for doing what we hope is best for ours!