Mother's Father's Day ... Meh
It's a bittersweet holiday for a lot of parent's. I have friends and relatives that have children that are not living any longer and I cannot imagine what the holidays are like for them. Hell I cannot imagine what daily life is like for them. You also have thousands of families like ours. Families where days like Mother's & Father's Day only exist if someone else steps in and makes it happen.
That's us; Zander does not have any concept of any holiday other than the part where he gets candy from the neighbors or presents under a tree or a cake to eat. The true meaning is lost on him and on a day like Mother's Day he isn't going to walk up to me or his dad and say, "I love you Mom/Dad" or "Happy Mother's/Father's Day" or "You're a good Mom/Dad".
Nope for my husband and I it's the little card that his teacher helped him make at school or the act of one of us taking him to "buy" something or make something for the other that makes it happen. To be honest mostly we just hide from it. I refuse to lie... it's kind of a bummer. It's hard to go to the park or out to brunch on those holidays and see all the families celebrating their loved one.
Yes I know it's kind of sad to view it that way. It's kind of silly to feel this need to participate right? You shouldn't need validation like a national holiday to tell you you're a good parent but guess what? I'm human, and it's human nature to want what others have and to say "hey I belong too!
I don't know, I guess I would just like people to stop and think... do you know a special needs family? If you do maybe reach out and send a little card on Mother's or Father's Day. Help their child make something. Babysit so they can have a day to themselves. Give them a hug or a shout out. You might just be the only acknowledgement they get! All parents work hard, raising kids is work whether they are typical or not but special needs parents have some added challenges that most people don't and I'm here to tell you it can be a very lonely road that only other special needs parents understand.
So this Mother's Day and upcoming Father's Day help me pay it forward this year. REACH OUT, spread some love!