
roller coaster

Why can't nutritionists and doctors be consistent?  One person tells you to do one thing and the next person you speak to tells you the exact opposite and in the meantime your kid continues to suffer.  If people only knew how much money we've wasted on other peoples theories to help our son.... sigh.

Currently we are fighting a massive yeast takeover in Zander's poor little body.  One of the things we can do to help him is to get rid of Dairy which leaves us with the option of rice, almond or soy as far as milk goes.  He doesn't like the almond milk, Soy has it's own set of allergy issues and the rice milk tastes like chemicals.  We can't be the only ones dealing with this.... how is it that there is not a better "milk" alternative?  The concern is the sudden lack of protein, you see milk has been Z's primary source of protein and now it's gone and he only eats 6 other things and he won't increase the amount he's eating to help compensate.  We've tried rice based protein powders but they make everything taste like chalk and believe it or not he can smell it coming a mile away.

I just want to feed my child! Feed him, love him, nuture him, laugh with him, argue with him.

I just want "experts" to pull their heads out of their greedy money making asses, check their egos at the door and start communicating with each other to help these kids. 

I just want my husband to be able to go to work and not worry about the ever mounting bills hanging over our heads. 

More than anything I just want a minute to breath; most days we just can't even stop to catch our breath, day in and day out, go, go, go, go...

Today as my son refuses to eat anything, manages to cover himself head to toe in mud in less than 3 minutes of being outside, dumps an entire bottle of water on the living room floor to jump in, runs through the house with toilet paper, squeezes all the sunsreen out of the tube, dumps paint all over his floor while I'm in the bathroom and I notice several new gray hairs on my head:  I just want a minute to breath which is what I guess this minute writing about it was and now it's back to go, go, go!