
Is there a doctor in the house????

When I was searching for a pediatrician for Zander after his Autism Diagnosis I was turned down, turned away, not once, not twice but NINE TIMES before I found someone who would see him.  I was looking for someone to help partner us in taking care of Z's PHYSICAL health... NOT his Autism but somehow the medical community couldn't and still can't seem to wrap their heads around that.  

Trust me, us Autism parents... we've got the whole neurological/psychological/cognitive/comprehension/developmental delay/auditory processing delay/sensory processing disorder thing COVERED... WE LIVE WITH IT, THROUGH IT, BY IT, FOR IT, AND F*#!'ING UNDER IT 24/7/365.

What we want and NEED is someone to go to, somewhere to go to when our child whom... and I know this is hard for some of the medical community to grasp... is an actual flesh and bone, air breathing, heart beating HUMAN BEING... sprains his ankle... has a rash... has a high fever... strep... an ear infection... can't poop... breaks his arm...

I have a lot of friends in various areas of the medical world and they all love and support us and Zander so I don't understand where this other mentality comes from that we keep seeing in article after article from around our country.  This lack of compassion... is it taught in medical school?  Are people just going into the medical industry for the wrong reasons?  I don't understand...  

When Z received his "official" diagnosis from the top leading doctor in Autism in the state of NV.... she offered us ZERO hope... within 6 months of doing the therapy that SHE, THE MEDICAL "EXPERT" told us not to bother with... Z started coming back to us, started doing things she said he'd never be capable of, surpassed her low expectations and blew ours out of the water and we've never looked back.

We aren't unrealistic... we know Z will always need help and prob live at home until they pry him from my hands because I'm too old to physically care for him appropriately anymore but the medical community needs to get over itself, stop teaching with archaic and outdated and untrue information about Autism and start LISTENING to PARENTS as we have more EXPERIENCE... HANDS ON EVERYDAY EXPERIENCE with Autism in our little fingers than you will ever have in your entire career.

This blog post is dedicated to 14 year old Alex Spourdalakis; I've been watching his story over the last month.