So what causes autism? I have been asked that question at least 100 times since it's come into our life. It's hard not to laugh because if the world of medicine can't figure it out then why would I know? You will find several camps with regards to that question and in each group of people a large percentage are positive that only their views are correct. You can go on any Autism message board and find parents/doctors/therapists duking it out through a barrage of verbal assaults. I guess sometimes it's just easier to take out all your emotions on "susieautsmom73" than risk exploding in your own home.
My husband and I are open to anything at this point. I think for our family there's definitely a genetic link but I don't think that's all it is. Do I believe that vaccines cause Autism? I believe that anything is possible; immunizations are a multi-billion dollar industry so there is a major incentive for discrediting any information that could possibly paint a negative light on them. It's hard because there are children who are not vaccinated that are diagnosed as being on the spectrum. I do think it's very odd that a lot of Autism symptoms are so similar to metal poisoning symptoms.
Maybe our kid never had a chance, maybe Eric and I both fit somewhere on the spectrum ourselves? With everything we've seen our son go through and everything we've learned so far it wouldn't be that far of a stretch.
Maybe things in our environment that we've grown up with altered us and maybe our eggs and sperm were affected even before little Z put the Z in Zygote? Look at all the things our generation has been exposed to over the last 35/40 years... Cordless phones, cell phones, microwaves, metals in our vaccines as kids, metals in our dental fillings as kids, lead paint in our house or grandma's house, lead in our toys, bpa and other toxins in our plastics like toys and dishes, pesticides on our produce, hormones and steroids in our protein, preservatives in all of our shelved food, fertilizers in our yard, caustic chemicals in our cleaning products, formaldehyde in our wood/furniture products, VOC's in our paint, pollution in our air, smoke exposure, x-rays, computers, fast food I mean the list goes on and on and on...
I believe that the Autism could already be there lying in wait and that maybe something acts as a catalyst to bring it foreword; for some that might be the sheer overload of vaccines(our children receive 3x's the number that we did as kids and they receive multiple shots at a time), for others maybe the catalyst could be an illness or an overload of antibiotics that compromise the immune system and allow it to present itself. I think that parents should be more open to all of the possible causes even if that means someday we find out it's 100% genetic. It's hard to face the idea that maybe you somehow passed this on to your child but for Eric and I we can't help but notice that the majority of Zander's Autistic traits happen to be our worst traits only multiplied by a thousand.